Slightly Improved Navigation + Some Thoughts

December 13, 2009 11:52 PM by Coomer

Today was a pretty simple update. We simply added a link on the "BIKES" menu at the top of the page to add a bike to Pedal Room. This makes it easier for new visitors to figure out how to add their bike, and allows logged in members to easily add additional bikes.

We've been tweaking navigation here and there because small changes to navigation can have big affects.

We've also been analyzing our stats on the site, and we've found some interesting patterns.

Member Browsing/Searching is not used very much. Member browsing and searching accounts for less than one percent (0.7% to be exact). Because of this, we're considering removing the "MEMBERS" bar from the top navigation to clean things up a bit and make one thing clear - Pedal Room is all about bikes. We would of course have member profiles and a member map, but that stuff would be a bit harder to get to. What do you guys think about this?

The Member Map is also not used much at all. Last month, map-related page views accounted for 0.18% of site traffic. Is this something you guys would like to see improved? Maybe it would be better if we showed primarily bikes instead of members on the map? Let us know what you want to see on the map.

Bike Search is used frequently. This is good to see. Because it's used frequently, we plan on improving it in the near future.

Thoughts? Let us hear them!

Tagged: pedalroom


Coomer Dec 15, 2009 at 03:43 PM AST Reply

Perhaps we could add it to the home page. We're considering some changes to the home page layout already.

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